#01 Dominik Klein: Sportpsychologie – das erste Mal mit Dominik Klein


Die erste sportpsychologische Sitzung in einem Glaskasten? Ein Feuerschwall an Armen und Beinen? Gänsehaut im Podcast? Männer sind die geilsten, besten und haben keine Schwächen? Was ich Dominik Klein zum Schluss versprechen musste? Alle Antworten und noch so einiges mehr bekommt ihr von Handball-Legende Dominik Klein. Er würde sich selbst als solche niemals bezeichnen. Wer aber Weltmeister, achtfacher Deutscher Meister, sechsfacher Pokalsieger und dreifacher Championsleague Gewinner ist, hat durchaus Legendenstatus. Dominik beehrt diese Premieren-Folge von „Sport im Kopf“ mit seiner ehrlichen und authentischen Art. Ich bedanke mich für das erste, mitreißende Gespräch mit Dominik Klein und verspreche ihm hiermit bereits Folge #33. Indianerehrenwort!

Ich bin ganz ehrlich. Etwas Aufregung gehört zum ersten Mal dazu und so war es auch bei dieser ersten Folge. Daher verzeiht mir bitte meine viel zu vielen Äääähms, Versprecher und Stolperer.

An alle sensiblen Ohren unter den Zuhörern: ich gelobe Besserung bei der Qualität der Aufnahme. Versprochen.

Für Fragen, Anregungen und Feedback erreicht ihr mich unter sportimkopf.podcast@gmail.com.

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00:00:00: Music.

00:00:05: MIT Kaya shop yeah hello and hats least we're commenting bottom crop we finally heard the Ruckus Louisa KY endless to asking for Guarantee Messengers fridge because inside of him.

00:00:17: It's mine stick and Steamers pops Yogi have a minister and then set of regression sonar and they're finding us.

00:00:24: Yes very Master art for hotdog semester seem as 64 Hub to Carl Sagan once given time Ali Champions League.

00:00:34: Schöpf have its eyelids lifted off get settled on its Ferguson and 9s kind of Zwolle as hand Valor,

00:00:42: indecent the net sales and hats little comment Dominique line soon decide has on the virus thank you Kya

00:00:49: videos village in water and Alice listen yeah it is fascinating that

00:01:01: did he say in fan case not Gabon have also found is typically gonna suffocate assume.

00:01:06: MIT have a practice which pressure she doesn't stop by S hi.

00:01:11: Send Dominic he gets their own purpose to it's been so wholesome Mick it's a good economy actual - I had some business and I'm tired that's Ashley.

00:01:22: Ravenna club's number Center of common bus cada Semana Stan Pines in Tampa is for Miss Carter we had site named second medium business equation.

00:01:30: Describing a delicious.

00:01:33: Yeah a lot of clubs are personally Miss cancer of Desmond CC Tienda and the sigma sooner does it mean expensive per video order.

00:01:43: Dominik team of pups eulogy was provided for the Xbox you'll get on the bus first is to Toronto,

00:01:50: Other M for position looking at the video exact us Tim Hunt policy of work resigned of the outlying area and that's an amount of cash built up but there's any Tas.

00:01:59: That's an almond shift you and your own side caps

00:02:03: funding training them on what position do go from the USB data to become is on diversity as nefarian woman connected,

00:02:12: hey diamond crystal zeb's fun party system it's super Chef demands of sport club is this Esports you should ah key players on Team character alerting positive of your comments here for our own hours water snake like this merely Sports issue Lugia mine cernan

00:02:27: of environment report man named Anthony assigns the spotlight on global is called none,

00:02:31: absent idea and then Einstein the Sally penis or an and hospitals loser would estimate image pops Yogi and Peruvian cams - hey

00:02:42: does it remind you know what happened to Sean the other group is as far as a muskrat exact up to must have listened when Mia and a Frog State and condition.

00:02:51: Evelyn Lang

00:02:53: UND one this week with the brush pen is in Woodhaven huh boys up to a bigger company building everything found this in your brief that we not passing someone field says yeah I mean I'm the one that's ironic.

00:03:08: She's Lewis and itself you know

00:03:10: that could result select them today my little bit in a bit as a student at Salem canterville just one or two now does Elliott Neese bomb uh pops you look em and the insulin so which they could botanist

00:03:22: mask up into this piece and I hit a spot like here is kayak Nick Malaguena father was nice Loft and we would also be certain.

00:03:31: God knows the minimum fare take it off mother Kinder Human Social or governmental Trina lens videos verse.

00:03:40: He's not doing his command the home of the Americas in the best mom is in the guys we have a I'm kind of situation I know this is a lot of this is done other things to the moment come on this is their child actor this is ABS reflects you want to harm,

00:03:55: oh fillets gives them a document into my eyes but again my thinking then as far,

00:04:00: disaster designation immediate water for I know who Promises of 2013 version and that's an amateur from Hannibal on Thomas bonus Trina National Minneapolis Carpinteria concurrence come from minor position,

00:04:13: stop it possessed field on his body - and is nominated for anticipation formation down enough damage,

00:04:19: all the ovens White House has expired I'm Tony revive it will act as bait - that's wise even Olympus Your Spirits by Art etcetera and then masturbation guitar.

00:04:28: Don't have economic these moment because what they give me money no more,

00:04:32: it's Michelle's medium sized amount am your boss and America performance coach to a cannon comes on what if you exude Eva this is,

00:04:41: sushil look Beyond mental training session log so business boom boom Shrine on haunting music hey women's performance coaching in bandar Abbas commands I'm starving,

00:04:53: a sentence and was to cut a test and it can dissolve so Kudos man improves felt as pops you Logan,

00:04:59: and at least in there are folks for Boonton on done precisely the father calmed was an immediate values and one of the banks that certain organic matter and that's not much of them.

00:05:09: Thank someone onto rotten oh man thank I'm not sitting,

00:05:13: when I come to my Cindy forever mentality it's oh oh man it's my little canvas Toni Morrison was soon.

00:05:20: Cristiano copsey is especially cops are here,

00:05:24: UND desire shambles and be seen up until the point when it does it's pretty first and agnostic and video punked by talking about as old as we are on scat hoffenheim and exact not an Omega fact knowing that he doesn't matter even.

00:05:38: Squeeze the icon in it sativa Griffin on this midday meaning that often on it until the new gun squirts Vida ES

00:05:47: is it for - very nice of raggedy ass contact me by somebody who's the teacher - FR went on

00:05:56: yeah believe this comes up so it's tough to whether then so yet is come by my management in spirit is wine Heidelberg

00:06:06: clasp you hope to modify the 16,000 it have to be named conference let me run run and Tish on your income drain on vacations Vanquish s site.

00:06:16: Theme talk to Ami Newton and the comments expression when I come in then

00:06:21: ask me Newton the half isn't electrons we fuel system done time Cooter's car fuel time positive for Scofield which met sailed say I'm a monster who cloth napkin toward and you will permit a thousand he have a beef is done.

00:06:36: The damage try few magnet is a frog instead unselfish team.

00:06:41: That's easy McLaren positions however we had in school server click tap me for in English Delta punim get psyched up.

00:06:49: I mean he's in a PhD and blennies and many steps of the Interior can you say about a cute expression K McKean.

00:06:56: Enough I'm happy she can get psych there is on fire she's but I'm I'm I'm on mine Beynon.

00:07:01: What he's done for him he lauded in 2050 is glass purushottam diversity out as we all set aside for a minute and Candy I was a demon this is that iron as Mandy data or Masada a cash offer.

00:07:13: Dad can now teases foia and me it isn't gluten Solutions.

00:07:17: How school did demand we have suggested on even the unforgivable name is Logan of forest and when this Fork,

00:07:23: Komatsu I'm at the Des voix and then that's an element it is Niche permission mr. Vail Donna from 5000 seeing pissed 2013 7 ke Ren,

00:07:33: these are tourism abide 48-inch Pier.

00:07:37: Dooshka fertile Bahamas in mind and Putin switched on keyboard fantastic no hint remind one we bring his mission I'm good and switched on.

00:07:44: That's why Ahmadi of cover for items fear.

00:07:48: That's in English phrase also signal model supporters of silver sheet - that's to a salesperson is an important social based on than off performance okay.

00:08:01: Yeah absolute essence of Contraband invested aircraft itself has even so super loose taking her setting I'm glass cousin,

00:08:08: as an added service provider and each problem has since been a disaster setting Nate and Adam glass cousins that kind of swagger it's super multi core and cool,

00:08:18: UND classes until German as individuals.

00:08:22: Uninviting pumped into at selhurst is the spa playroom naturally non-sticky Frankston as a team and this helps to garnished and the abandoned mine and clientele.

00:08:37: Doesn't Fang woman and think to reflect Ian was an accident and after Shannon I'm defying also provoked and well a classical it's not too late.

00:08:46: Susie I'm gonna Harden for my opinions on some different confrontation.

00:08:52: Positive give you less naturally Cameroon about - give you a fragment on the link beneath the skin I wanna.

00:08:59: UND the foot and then after was trans and so food citizen on Winston or positive exfoliate and skin or is it to stand in the Bahamas.

00:09:08: Demand on all super shown even with Neiman honey this is so spun and other card is rubbish turn on the Spire of Mars and on some file of moonfish pray,

00:09:17: UND

00:09:18: some celebrations are Natoma frog a source tells me to stop fully shining star is a created is yes I'll spill situation of the stack dishwasher of this and confused and Bob distinguish those what in Istanbul SRI map

00:09:33: because I'm forced to Van Der Bilt on voice matanza because act up here.

00:09:38: Second associa it's definitely time for he often be a Jewish Graham and Fang boy gonna drive for a minute without a hearing misquote it helps make ourselves good list by so on this far,

00:09:49: I've sent it to now

00:09:51: Steph this is what says the man Jesus washed and can David Mitchell pop through my music as my cannon on the Jato Lida landre rankings visor.

00:10:02: Definitely frag them and fungi blood silk Madam on their intensive to the Minerva and sole demand about Nick and Kenya can hit the ground Kid Sister.

00:10:12: By sniffing unique ticked was a leapt had Persona and lengthened on Daria I'm Anthony Maffei de France .d super victrix and as a comedian,

00:10:22: depends on often and visits and can use beautiful become a visiting visited on

00:10:28: yeah and the fact the light of Nan madol and then under two grand well yeah arriving at selective effect and processor on this is to tell Victory Club if you buy the side there is an inconsistency in these are inmates access good at CO2,

00:10:43: it's Finnish band Dominic drives the allegations net and I love fast allocation don't have a glove is the slight M about the execution study but I've also learned,

00:10:54: good play by let me stand out because like nasty bits and improved one,

00:10:57: isn't good enough to stand Vida in this deferral to happen which is exact up a firearm on forever and Benzene appear affection have you seen my negotiated sale that we have from help phenol in the Champions League.

00:11:08: In the home and killed us a holler on off Kabam Tom and his life after being here Arena need him started on the music

00:11:17: closet is out for them to portion so it happens for this map finale of government on my partner and even Yogananda life they had against that you hell music medicine.

00:11:28: I wish me so damn hasn't evolved collection for teams feel you can then work is its greatest Mystic such beauty as a song Champions League Cup Final.

00:11:38: The most of its mark on Cynthia and unhappy Missoula needle valve Creek Pieces by the visiting ships that sailed upon the young MediaFire you straight up.

00:11:47: Who is the main focus the bicycles public server has an incident.

00:11:52: Yeah voice and I'm Focus to exit out of a man often do Niche find Frozen can see that there's an icon an individual and weak and couldn't Sue start so calm,

00:12:02: well done is physically run to him.

00:12:04: M these are energy deity of forums we're failures detailed affiliate in the arm versus Newton Nationals facet in game stores in the meteorites Omaha,

00:12:13: Zoom that lewbert's oh even within us is what size you're looking a diamond AR V is the discussion on command that's my sister dealers songs are was actors find for.

00:12:24: The simpler tip and simpler trick just to First in tournament was fashion design individual havoc in good insurance companies.

00:12:33: Susan insolation B W here does India Allison woman kind of anxious tender-hearted I can talk if her spirit,

00:12:42: Enzo Manhattan which decreased assistant Winslow skate when the answer is calmed down and focus yet has owned the spa minor elasticated each medium Weeks Later,

00:12:51: I'm going out as being entirely spot land value masud Ali bhai's place the practices are does it cut twice a week to getting it event the habitat little vixen.

00:13:04: The anesthesia is it has nice gift.

00:13:08: This convicted absolutist in Zion Zion is kind of an ambigram to tune mmm literally routine and it's impossible some of them is director shown and the linkage upon van.

00:13:19: Because under is that is fine and individual and far from Tunis and Moss.

00:13:25: Man indicted Agave of North Korea reassignment average popsicle Logan full Villas in Stockton.

00:13:32: UND this is about a guy called the Hub surface that is fine and personally individual function yet.

00:13:38: Because bash blows minor career ready and with 1,000-yard his,

00:13:43: my super nervous I'm start on for me was at the slums there women McDonald my anguish broken heart as well,

00:13:49: then man you don't know how long and hard to beat in freestyle close to expression it will magically isakson diverse Pete problem as it is happening he totaled killing Martin afternoon them along if I can make up for her after that,

00:14:02: what about kind of music and while this at me personally get spam I'm focused fentanyl homie.

00:14:09: The helicopter off a branch break me environment and on this last time I saw Mind Trick does he many rehab doesn't even lunch break as him he focuses on can.

00:14:21: UND has not had any reminding me stand up the shot Glenda anecdote tells minor yeah they're longing he resigned and Lasting spot career.

00:14:30: UND long as I do I'm just put on has the he says a victim fiend.

00:14:34: It's dusty my focus here dispatchable so often at leading would you wear a medium focus on marijuana moving my arms and my first is a jealous person as it was done in a gear and we are concentrating on following you around,

00:14:48: expected soon Animal Control the controllables as well as Chef degree chamfer new attending and of tissue or tear rechtin and flows house.

00:14:56: UND then comes to our to the winch - - while Alessandro's emitting into the chef technique and Frozen Hanley control and gun is a felony energy while to have money Inception in the hand.

00:15:08: The Constitution is behind Slauson in the info and.

00:15:14: Just because also some punk voice kind of cuts and spring most of us releases visualization and get us our own cause it technique or and of course the garbha the amount arm kind of bodily harm Kansas thing of.

00:15:26: Fortune in forfeit and Spills from the clan of the seats in the House gets hot it is woman buys.

00:15:32: Should take a cigar smoker to human on - on what their Hobbies Noni good crispier.

00:15:38: M2 this consultation with a shift the ignore do individual we do it Summit on guests are here with our capsule message I don't know my dad momentum gangsters voice could coughing up of this visualization and do a lobster and a sacrifice to name,

00:15:52: M that orbit in a I had in my realm Squad had a Malaysian department is a claw

00:15:59: well developed volunteered so actually turn off I'm constantly slide them toward a forum Spirit here in lemon go I wish bit younger spoken to the list and they can be John Cena's own AA mannschaft on that measure on a map

00:16:11: that me Al available chronometer as of Bovada Focus video and study its multifaceted system when your son limo comes kissed mind your Halo and Cooks maybe just talk action of this.

00:16:23: Most of us will steal from you,

00:16:25: cook says ever marble base your father had a store Nets involves two and their Stellar that cooks must be destroyed let's clean up this nice ahead okay.

00:16:34: Abba good marked a tiny you come I don't know it's a big it's all up to Coffee laughter pop music you are which I want good insistence of bring on Avenida a visual to rescue gang in the hello and happy it is for official these lava sitting King stores on bogey efficient.

00:16:49: Up them cause it has a lesion for hip area.

00:16:52: M McClure is their spot so schnelle we're going to confident under the seat where to a position above the spacer these are for her writing team I'll see you soon cocteau separation oh.

00:17:02: But then comes in American art is a stress factor would initiate an automatic mesh of Summer release matters for provided Hendricks.

00:17:09: Just being yobsn soon point of Israel is 0 this is it I'm gonna mop yeah absolute super Tema visually see wrong very cyclists in another parent for against concrete no matter of engine

00:17:22: while your visualization of knowledge or necrosis ahead,

00:17:27: as a carotid and but come forward right on a body at least in some budget bill.

00:17:33: Dominik 68 comfortable for visitors cancer Houseman kinds of Google Maps and formal,

00:17:39: I'm John and John video setting daughters was a suit under home think it's super panel above aligned on a Manhattan and on zika has factor and fuck back.

00:17:49: David Martin and Asia had draft on big annoy writes it to the ovens and loaded on a to leave meaning offering make sure my my sweet I think um.

00:17:58: Mangano my 16 gig now I'm showing them the often fought super heightens I-94 her tip top of the hill fires.

00:18:06: UND class when the focus of the mooc like - nothing illegal in so I Unwritten can beat so much better to have it.

00:18:15: Tamia a labelled of economic hat then visits m not to leave me in and instead positive him so Stan so percent self-fulfilling prophecy music,

00:18:25: and that is fashion we're going to inflate can students that it's harmless kind of skin fat suit opening to finally meet again as we're only killing and went up not released a name,

00:18:35: it's up to a field trade fairs Over the Mountain Farm two weeks has 6,000 Olympians worked on.

00:18:44: Was he believed a matter of your kind of an infant natural language than as a so get smeared some innocent soft.

00:18:51: Understand emphasis as finding nose and your demon see those signs order on.

00:18:57: It's not too late against etcetera when art and get hurt or whatever it will know about sending the Belly Bag Neiman happened in America Norman.

00:19:04: Tan for 30 minutes early with an answer - to standard image present,

00:19:10: I'll be there and flows of mine for hareton on let's at least an hour after the Kipnis hummingbird.

00:19:15: Finish by them and it's all dependent system it about to push everything I make a triangle thank you values active transport large.

00:19:24: Is covered Us in the mine shaft Squad at the age of 40 manga toilet.

00:19:28: This is amount of support is a sports usual routine of garnish so fabricated his voluntary style sparkler

00:19:34: feel snella in the reflection common was amended as Targus click the assign hundred meter love sign outside a women exact physician has only get psych image of squad

00:19:46: mr. Oscar X level of time deposit Zone Gibson okay Menendez on

00:19:50: does occasionally matters team Mt must function Ian is a prism has a bunch of toddlers or is it does mine deposits on links thousand meet him partner of the bank to some function in was on them

00:20:00: Munch of listener folk entire by two dragons so mystery Aveda.

00:20:06: I need some Spotlight in einem team does to performance on this Vegas these are popular give formation occurs the,

00:20:13: it was the point this Crystal learning is environment Akira will fund is heightened organization of this individual aft but dragon can we stuffed it under the slot rack and,

00:20:26: damn name is Sofia make the skin deep,

00:20:28: MIT for mr. athletic events to come absolute the transfer from Dash Bobby look Innovative PT total and that's mine Master B team at some Tema few wrong.

00:20:42: UND yeah Dominique do a sneeze the team match on anguish gotten the blemish breaks float IMA answers for Latinos Paula

00:20:51: skip to a reason under Shira on lying and food spaghetti updated and substantial spot like this isn't about the admittedly not are trained on a spine Brian,

00:21:00: UND password is the news on poverty individual effective search for absolution aspect.

00:21:08: UND vast Buddhist Sangha symptom team debate exchange for absolution aspect flight on Valentine I made a song others Nema the SF RZ f of x plus C which takes Crystal Edition couldn't trust a pipe this is of a mesh.

00:21:22: This via of Maya about it in the most muscles invalid for items speed as a demonstration for a mitten on De téléphone yet Prime spots are going to Hollywood of forms appear.

00:21:33: It's going to match this mushroom is Emma pieces obstacle which banana in the piano just avoid him speed limit in telephony and most caps money frog a fun font I limit you made up a name for that super hot tub,

00:21:43: the datum is eleven need to burn a cadaver is giltia in a swapsies eulogy original obtainment discretion DTS hinden already dish turns on an Autism

00:21:53: positive effect on the off time via abundant and insightful my phone would spider I mean you'd be spoken has been on good works well vital often come on Kris kobach again.

00:22:06: The soon Asuna is Desmond even House of Nassau Adams fear

00:22:12: my meaty meaning expression can or my the steps to loom band Maxima has to come Station House and that became Viceroy to have the minus Theta it's biting open Kafka she clicked on the weather

00:22:24: and of coarse Aggregates all handful of interviewed me a daddy dies T 2 here you can see the home screen about to post to post and fuck off.

00:22:33: Come hell or orchestration

00:22:36: class EPS criticize others by image full statement we feel is Fab often happen after a police vehicle is gate open up something this was the most abstract asshai art in hit my honor and my uncle a biceps triceps pops you look at Nvidia their part in mind for agribusiness Young

00:22:50: they do act Fontaine to Trevin is only socialist order.

00:22:54: Vitamins what is this feeling Donna had seen Francine to monomer is imperfect soon is Muslim apoptosis is a now start our first positive us to push pressure on his name and address have asthma specific forms will open a beer.

00:23:09: Sea stars 2000 that is the City College of New mentality does man's as a Kurdish messages on perfectionism assign an extreme Moon style that hard.

00:23:21: Split off from inner and krita Guardsmen New York Tasman they are Alice had an English Professor Martin Busan on soil.

00:23:29: UND slope is established as mandible and does not accept some of the shorter clock from the abdomen streets of 6 and a van.

00:23:37: Tune you have fields of innings easily become a leading man are bad when the kisses of the shorter Club from,

00:23:44: Food Authority positive parameter and carbon which would create an animation building positive flow to standing offer it to harden it should be positive emotion and I'm Adventure capitalist first reaction is kind of this film are off song,

00:23:58: UND would assume it on a fish tank and turn around,

00:24:03: this is my full-time nest and Spiel feel like the fan-voted is an emote someone Android isn't solved and,

00:24:08: absolutely on the have to stand while there isn't bands and account switched on come on

00:24:17: I'm gonna shower and soon a processor positive analysis of look and look at our second dish Mebane on do have needs of reading and angry - anything else.

00:24:27: Pick this is Natalie says I should be required and is a positive to stand a bonus Track fun card plugged wound.

00:24:34: Standard and that does mean to leave a gas and dust are fragra he mention not as enthusiastic as easy as I just got to send on lasting Soviets and does highest his aunt I'll have to offer scooters SS even Cowboys a new Vistas man.

00:24:49: Biden and 10 and fuck life that kept this world is cards and he's balanced hot steamed and so harm signature of out soon and getting tagged prostitutes early on this VI minor cortisone or human creation.

00:25:02: My apartment my Fontaine is at most important me I'll see undone so Versailles is.

00:25:07: Three accomplishment but centration a between realistic and system training gang been in the humanity of a heist.

00:25:14: Nothing training not a Bellamy has an involvement in Massachusetts is laughing Suki and so De Mi Vida and how to pattern on these supposed and these terms of Ananda there Starin at minimum pulse animals of Austrian spy goodbye.

00:25:28: In Boston Market and who named this fundamental problem it's nice of Achilles beard

00:25:33: when this is was disinvited he's really improved on the shoulder and authentic at The Uncanny Valley c-clip a miracle Phenom amazonica ever consider,

00:25:45: yeah absolute and imagine a te karere has come on expected seen as well

00:25:55: it's mine and offered it was only cats and Vic long at some and on in under the beautiful here behavior of the workshop,

00:26:01: I'm glad so let's time for often and turn transfer and then I'll talk

00:26:05: is must not end as if it against my visit by the fogger but I glisten fogger Munch of support and support having the volunteerism less than three hours

00:26:17: as it used to be fragment of that has a bunch of sport known Lisa reaches 400 hundred establish operations in base in the urban communities foundations of business.

00:26:26: Aligning a fluid like psychic abilities are hunted in wanted a months of consultation

00:26:32: I skipped out and the human interest rate am at CLW finished our phones open house compression of the race after some performance coach and key model in some done by is measured as the service for me,

00:26:44: but helping on a potent image patient of mine a following example I was this nation David always Byzantine a frog he knows.

00:26:51: Provided much of what is this as a serum and moisturizer has its own individual

00:26:57: Cano manufactured Fitz looks like it's for I'm not my dad off we do things that's in Manchester bharath and and team sport Arden solely big dick SpongeBob's your location.

00:27:07: Expected an amount of niacin

00:27:09: it's Rises with yeah light amount of time as it was Steve moodily for handled cramped of a moment on this is to tell soon and yeah if I get why someone of my wood moldings that's in team spirit and the big Texans pop solution

00:27:23: Timmons and pick up the sun reporters which Tech does is this super Hub keeped does man nakhla is mine shaft,

00:27:31: until happen Darfur salt or service in Born businessman shaft intestine or Mouse discretion gotten so much better.

00:27:39: Your chlorella is mental coach in the.

00:27:44: In the faubourg I don't of the belt massage after Mars gives a project called the mounting film this man short that gives you all these are class session teased is a positive thinker.

00:27:55: Divya is mine shaft,

00:27:56: Canadian Kandinsky de within 2,000 I can land it set of us can schools of I think on our scope that has all kind in a tradition situation demands pain I am qualification this moment will be afford among shaft

00:28:11: the garden bonds one's own bomb in his eyeglass here Bosque is mine tile.

00:28:18: Does this by Taco on these stilts operation on passivity ish funding and an awesome action with us for the Munch of Einstein house cash problem thus far.

00:28:28: That's about bonds investors mitigate them than of come after women in and out bargain on my persistent if you decision in dementia,

00:28:35: but skip that and I'm considering office not greener when you fought a bunch of the axe Pastime tile is one piece is still pretty much have to have eyes,

00:28:43: Decima that mites and super spawned a moment he management report,

00:28:48: it is a qualitative least and ingerborg Spa that masking Eastland very difficult for people to understand one has a huge Spear and done.

00:28:59: A decision of The Pedestrian at amazon.com you are clear.

00:29:02: MIT Grandpa that's not rapida it's another question mental coach has evolved come down to mannschaft 100 soon I'm taking out eases these are fragments for a non- violent Ward.

00:29:15: The Eastland Arabic effect as well Monza dumbass.

00:29:20: That is the sake now does my manage but I've been is and will watch out Batman to tell of people were added when these were so shower and my frag assistant diets perseid this is how it acknowledges every month of the guests and skipped a garnish,

00:29:34: understand social nebosh militant image pops eulogy was off the cuff em all smart.

00:29:40: Its chemical first I understand it is getting fragmented this is how I've known for a month after the Books of Moses

00:29:47: Blankman who's not want Alison donkus' commitment and Stannis and I got tired of a candid discussion on my mind was the okay I had this guy Stanford for on doesn't have a tongue in Manhattan's current eared mankind has of he invites who not pretend

00:30:01: last and only fun on the shaft ends on a mine shaft and far several fat round commitment and zoom Adorn a brutal enemy.

00:30:09: This is garroted as was Munch after board and I need for these a team dynamic,

00:30:14: the extreme Hill frison a man sees shaft to not sin on a positive response to lying,

00:30:21: if it was him in 3D design team decided to realize this dream big position Gardens oh

00:30:33: team constellation and this is on the total Span in the pussy tune while draenei on Hamlet feel around to beating heart.

00:30:42: I can let off - garnish Allah not relish Barney Minocqua minimum shaft sport nature which combined by spear as a support.

00:30:52: Actually I do not know how much of three now Martin way back about Amazon.

00:30:56: But an insane amount of network of honorable and they had tons for item to nearby streets Versa ultimate anguish them.

00:31:04: I'll strain of for further military bunch of th the Acme design / P last opponent.

00:31:10: Dee's is beispiel for the damage pain and so I wasn't I'd seen Betty only Ferguson,

00:31:15: UND gun is of Michigan months and then mayor of iron of spice be lamartine Stroger Stephen buy-and-hold.

00:31:22: That's the Barton spiele the homunculus sophisticated Indian flag of God.

00:31:28: That's out there for him to near 40 km bunch of creative Islands initially.

00:31:33: That is means almost nothing to believe in Vile Wendy does in dim Tony at an Oscar packed a Canadian flag with authorities in her forties and by an English Emma.

00:31:42: Naughty Munch of the sap defied is considered an unfortunate the completely blank sheet of fired in bands who Clausen Vulcan now does,

00:31:51: he's prices but it goes against our dishes indecent Indy

00:31:56: in this podcast is a half-ass operation PubMed database visibility a opinion well it seemed as though the clip it against out by the immediate advice isn't the soon dominate evidence hidden Fantasy Land of not has emotional and of work did it on

00:32:10: stop this van and for Sandra clearly necessity,

00:32:12: UND sbar format in her bag Adama so since that Center in see it as being the saw some positive especially our Aunt Raina so bold a hill for sisters as he pushed along name countrymen shaft so Eminence team server a browser by in the lock is.

00:32:27: Mental body months after starting the service by Oscar he's gotta push Lima yeah it's super soon as possible David had some team our coach the coach.

00:32:36: Try Not A Team game figure and a gift card from House of stones are from it.

00:32:46: Skip trainer you have hands-free potency are not since nearly as sharp from Stivers garnish working hours and Skip trainer does he lie.

00:32:55: Optimal on Spotify mundane and the steamer coach the coach Target inverter.

00:33:00: Speed and vulnerable a very odd man Community are not even of demand draft I need of the individual.

00:33:07: Justin can switch to give human skeleton it's not gonna happen feel around in Trinidad to begin and hot.

00:33:13: And this is absolute of arms and this eyeliner I was to Fern a hungry and Reina often caught her and I had order knockos demand after this but I don't side and Katrina.

00:33:23: Woman ambition for Tank on.

00:33:26: I want to try an enormous influence on disability movement when the steamer coach the coach and for Norma implemented when water.

00:33:36: How about let's and as most naturally read a substitution for an hour but that were optimi and murder was your husband will murder.

00:33:43: UND flight status is coolish Ramirez Milan by long-term storage function its new when Samantha phobic a therapist will do nose is kind of known both strands and flashed as I see it him.

00:33:54: He lifts file descriptor acapella designing a character analysis medium-sized and who,

00:33:59: it's math is math minding but there's optimism on um to this Invasion individual and an amount of rust polluting all stability communication on the swing trainer drop is swollen and causa.

00:34:12: My coconuts which is my mother too.

00:34:14: Especially because of my invited to give domini that's the thing about a nice if I give you these sheets temp idea automated heinicke are contested races for Ashton as it comes to my body a super good for us then our yeah consider this for Ashton.

00:34:30: These kinds me also good for stern decision not an association yet suit as he can

00:34:36: that's my turkey before earnings momentum Kinder on you can price shop there's my nigga - Jessica it or not to take this cap and balance nonprofit band

00:34:46: I thought I felt it focuses of the decline of the young gulika demon also an exemption form kind of an income and I was Mickey name's Ophelia of

00:34:56: ABBA is Monday in hold on this know how often so talented and he's eleven do of the business in a mine shaft in Champions League there's a Born Killers flight of Eggman minded license pots of bring new devices ever

00:35:08: V teases hums the radish Nellie's is hamster Rod is this is your Nationals I wish me luck.

00:35:14: I speak as a matter of curiosity training style of house and home and scaphoid is after Essence again matoba on a screen against of all subsets this one computer must video Senate must know stronzo anguish pressure

00:35:24: commercials on the Nexus as long as I had a trainer job is reckless and reason reason of carbon album.

00:35:33: Philosophy in the Kingdom I run those have stand excellent tips for the economy okay Diego and subscribe

00:35:40: dominik is definitely for foiling of signal and an antenna career first leg,

00:35:46: team are now reporting that looks like some support spaces and resistant to her and of character to boost is anger shit,

00:35:55: Cabot adapters now glass instant on the tsg hoffenheim sponsor logos betrayed.

00:36:00: MIT has already modified super soon super span and on his way.

00:36:07: You can click into the image pops organization man on be reflected often.

00:36:14: And Eva thanks to various victory of national sports team has Bobby loogie.

00:36:20: Few fruits implementation the young blind effort to sensibly seein owned by smart erosion in Nashville spot.

00:36:30: Of these bins so for debate and it's happened back in a band of further on license camps and invariant on shop that's actually indecent things variants we asked manage boxes you login that's so cool,

00:36:41: the is a formal testing voltage VD Kindred has uneven business and then when we do our taxes is complete individual.

00:36:49: Above the actual malice and reported so young guy on was yet smacking hey the talent for don't get spliced no man should write I shall see you there.

00:36:57: His problem Park kind of tools team a flight health and the start routine and siham Finnish beer Etc as a kind of open mine stories than the Piston at seal was American this is me I choke position and Flash meter was unhurt.

00:37:12: Line hmm that is just it is unreported Cash after a six mile we have a 9mm Camp decides to name does global version,

00:37:22: effort kanuk that's my exact same and keep the sign for vital,

00:37:26: UND necklace in the mail Simon is an often ER was this one I found it schematically Young's televised it has to be simple a turn signal bulb is entire in their property Albatros think it's octa-pie them individually bellehsen.

00:37:40: Mother climbers sheet was the option I'm converted and you get Downton as published a few only to Luzon visayas man once fertile and I had mentioned some climbers.

00:37:50: Portfolio multi-sector notes in my business of doing massage for position looking but I added the spring actual spice pajama T-Rex.

00:37:59: Mal a number of visits yeah see a show in the scrubbing the toilets around he can dismantle I'm that's the sensibility and I'm not experienced.

00:38:07: Super VIP tickets on flight undertook with self-righteous and can of the seat gimlets a pinata contests awful okay on Amazon yollop Solutions Chloe come on.

00:38:20: Didn't want us like the type who knows cleared and the athlete or not C on y so forth hey the steamer had to the shamal he was with my resume can.

00:38:29: UND and Folly of man are a little bit tight.

00:38:32: UND as workshops and that willingness to pursue nucleotide diversity and enforce a teenage pop Saluki sighing and laughing and pepper spray.

00:38:45: I needed him and him I'm from Oklahoma bombing of pan Wicked and bad and he called this is shown my mom doesn't know who she married we Implement Ian can about a young proof is with like the team-ups you'll give props Yogi or no.

00:38:59: Still quite - behalf to the soup so you on the writer yeah he tying the hands of her drama.

00:39:06: UND feel-a-vision Anglican is decision you were being real feel of Oklahomans optimi and gate,

00:39:12: M yeah it is all know my birthday Ackman again since this is I mean this is done talking about this

00:39:18: Aynsley cash prize was the you conclusion cannot have a receptor and important of

00:39:23: hey lessons of my 50min o dang aligners crashing on dielectric film awards does not result from this complete individual man traveling season debut Maria has moved to get in the house while my daughter come on it's been a nice new minion more than happy

00:39:38: it was of the artwork mischievous apnea and Schoolhouse is Vani in the house while the membranes on speech data isn't dead on are situational training of exploration finds exit Wishful eyes curvalicious

00:39:49: consideration stock act once is an instantaneous on to Let's the Union as an Amish of the mid of course palm frond,

00:39:58: about fashion as I was to play him this cup of feel the exact I may spend so dang bonds of whole hits you that not this manaus to straighten a copy of it and then boom,

00:40:08: English press cancel feel his loss last night those we are doesn't just a target for that meeting with in New England or in science leaders.

00:40:16: It's again absolute as numb as a questionnaire following karate mmm now.

00:40:21: Once it grabbed this Workshop so that training slag up in zé Manel in 2000 after lighten as optically investor milk like hadn't escaped and being man's event and can.

00:40:31: Institute for Sport wissenschaften it's inside the mcspadden and rooster has kept that solution I'm total Felix pattern and demons.

00:40:41: Then come and feel safe like moment.

00:40:52: Will be much money quote I found within the mental another scoffs you're wrong.

00:40:55: You mattered on pacifistic is this is any Fleet another Mackenzie or a Mudslide hello to enhance scans on for Bentley.

00:41:03: It's like all of my email give him a kiss laughs I'm from my last night we were ultimately I was invited to the knee while it is presently or to tell Vic Fuentes a certain amount of wool frivolity of limit for drown to tune hard.

00:41:16: On Target intuition yeah vocalist can see literally milk ad insertion.

00:41:21: Dominik name that pops along Interstate companies to fulfill her to marry me oh so gonna have them show them had a.

00:41:33: Yeah flight took some Indian must Buddhist to that and feel was for fatigue because only our victory.

00:41:39: Name the mint and petroleum giving him support for Anglers mindset for tenement holistic.

00:41:47: The defects than a billion plus highest attention already familiar this anger home-field Defender testifying him as a formation mind mind sets in.

00:41:57: So how's a man so ham today machine can be familiar is just this gangster just waking kanishka for - that I mean those are Angus

00:42:08: Mega tank Poppin and familiar

00:42:11: my informants that's the initial point rangan on Top 10 vanity a comedy a - mr. messimer hopped in the helicopter.

00:42:20: The coastal District song wound is behind Imam has a present and it's - had in mind them Golden Buddha and for build,

00:42:30: and this is it against our guns fund is Tama when it's hard to enjoy some camps been on knack for building frog.

00:42:38: Then commence my granny Sophia woman voice me too tired wounded and his Mercy I am an archival is moved to a man was option.

00:42:48: UND in addition minor familias better King's English garnish I'm put a massage,

00:42:52: as xerr Delta G naught is a constant housewarming shoved into his love and from the crisis VAR b 2 units normal shove capitaine give reason that is a muzzle body she has been severely My Buddha.

00:43:04: And even find him a guitar to his Muppets every time who don't have set his gate garnish there is shown as an homage of the acting up love the book about 50 stars Talent vitae.

00:43:14: I'll sleep on it makes me angry manner English Vesta of Ferguson in the Manson family climb the habitable names of my screen yet other reason I thought I was on a familiar course good one does it turn on Paladin as fog

00:43:28: Candyland top psyched that we hunt perfect real isn't or when on the Zone nanyang its neighbor whose purse field above.

00:43:37: At the front of our minds a training under the book or not so talk to her it's she's thin margin in Dayton Christ Sue it's time to land bank on television ever click list of the angles gargle he gets there,

00:43:51: hums oh Philip positives and so it's here and I'm trans and be good since I guess kid this Wing which I have and I've also done,

00:43:59: yeah this is 110 Shana aspect on T my understanding there's none of em formal tank but October is West Manhattan because I'm gay too smart investment fall in Italy.

00:44:09: UND has on this affair she didn't leave me I'm sorry and I'll never kiss name last on Shabbat.

00:44:15: He's got this is some kind of exchange student human house Matthias wet food Smithsonian but then no ended up on crackers and what's actually going on.

00:44:25: The seeing yaps a philosophical name last name sport out of bound is global agenda can scan sweetie Kazakh DMZ ahead gift.

00:44:33: UND woman vocalist herbs surf film on Canova and can of tuna Panic for Nana,

00:44:39: external search box your location understood song or you could order for extreme optional yep I got that action apples are flowing everything,

00:44:52: yeah Dominique isn't them end up feeling dang that survived a student athlete at genome enhanced so I'm going to be a minor Freud media to plow done,

00:45:02: this is the new folder icons with Malaysia or India vise-like Jaws ethnicity let's the foil here by Spartan cop even hidden files phone.

00:45:13: Open one more video here because sensitive on Dancin winch HDR and in One Direction and talk

00:45:18: thank you dear and Magda somebody try and resist the fog of War file so this is a minor trick or no mammography is inferior also

00:45:26: Phyllis has to be signed with a loose amateur boxer as well as Dominic

00:45:31: is fresh pressed the humidity 364 a great deal Dominic Mohandas yes and there's know what Sean Hannity it and I'm going down I'm going to hang on we're willing and stamped on and soon as tema.

00:45:44: Instead of catfish Bahamas on T-Mobile Beyonce centers and rolling it around to help now I'm super vegetables Tema is on to sell feel that such as iron has.

00:45:53: As a a forms for guitar and rescues the islands super gun thank you Kya sooner citizen status is where I think expand with the arise a hint foot tummy tankadere mask which our own selves.

00:46:05: Music.

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